Moderní design ložnice s atypickými parketami

Interiér ložnice s atypickými parketami a šatnou

Návrh ložnice s netradičním provedení parket, které vybíhá i na stěnu za postelí. Atypický tvar parket kopíruje i zrcadlo u toaletního stolku. Tmavé parkety jsou v kontrastu se světlým nábytkem a výmalbou, což místnost dělá světlejší. Je dostatečně prosvětlena i díky velkým oknům naproti postele. Nechybí ani prostorná šatna.

Latest projects

Design of a playful blue children's room for a little girl
This children's room is designed with an emphasis on comfort and playfulness.
Kids room design
Design of a pink children's room with its own study room
This children's room is furnished with an emphasis on comfort and elegance.
Kids room design
Design of a turquoise children's room with a playful design
The interior of this children's room is decorated in a soothing turquoise color that dominates the entire space
Kids room design
Design of a cozy home office in a family apartment
The interior of this study is elegant and practical.
Home offices
Design of the living space of a cozy apartment for a young family
The interior of the apartment for a young family is designed with an emphasis on modern comfort and functionality.
Living room design