Brand identity

HR sources
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Due Diligence s.r.o.
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Cat cafe
Graphic, visual identity
Promotional materials
VARS a.s
A modern company focused on the supply of GIS and CAD software, as well as traffic signs and telematics. The individual focus of the company has its color and iconography.
Brand identity
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
FABBRO, s.r.o.
Fabbro brand is kindly recommend  by their klients. Fabbro is focusing on packaging technology. The client wanted to modernize the face of graphic materials and the web. The portfolio of products and services shows how the whole company will present itself in the future. The mascot is a nice box, who accompanies all the company's materials.
Brand identity
Jitka Daňková - florist
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
MT Legal s.r.o.
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Association for the use of heat pumps
Association focused on heat pumps and its use in real life and enlightement of worldwide customers. Maintains chosen and qualified experts in the field.
Brand identity
Apartment resort of Horova apartments logo
Company VARS development, a.s. offers comfortable living, in a newly emerging apartment resort, in a pleasant environment.  
Brand identity
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
RTR projects
RTR projects was established thanks to a love of motorsport. This company. Provides an automotive experience to everyone on the racing track.
Brand identity
Sanatorium Helios
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity
Dezzign point
Graphic, visual identity
Brand identity

Brand identity design

Every company is based on quality and thanks to that it is worth the price of its services and products. Today, with comparable competition that is ubiquitous, it is important to differentiate yourself from others. The logo, color, font, accompanying graphic elements, claim and their use on company materials is what is memorized by the public and primarily sets you apart from the competition.

Do not underestimate the importance of corporate design, the style with which you present yourself is an integral part of communicating the quality of your brand towards customers but also towards your employees. Corporate design is an integral part of the lifestyle of your product, service and the whole company.