- She graduated in Industrial Design at Brno University of Technology
- She completed a year of study abroad in Salzburg, Austria
- Mainly deals with interior and product design
- In her free time she devotes herself to graphics and illustrations
2006 - School representation at the film festival „UP TO 21“ - Tarnow, Poland
2007 - 1st place at the Czech film festival "Český lvíček" - Ústí nad Orlicí
2013 -Dean's Award for Outstanding Study Results - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
2013 - Exhibition of diploma theses - „Kreslete dál“ and - „Dráždí oči", Brno
2014 - Exhibition of final works:
„Graduation projects“ - Cieszyn Castle, Poland
„Design Hét Budapest 2014“ - Budapest, Hungary
„Design.S“ – Brno, Czech Republic
2014 - 3rd place in the design competition in the category of industrial design - "Talent of design 2013" - Zlín
2014 - "Red Dot Design Award 2014", Singapore
2015 - „A´Design Award 2015“
personal profile - linkedIn